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Hormonal background

Hormonal background

The human body has several dozen hormones, each of which serves its unique function that cannot be replaced. Therefore, hormonal imbalance always leads to quite noticeable consequences, and the degree of their severity sometimes requires immediate medical intervention.

Hormones are produced by the glands of the internal secretion, and each of them has its own tasks. These include the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, thymus, ovaries in women, and testicles in men. All of these are collectively referred to as the endocrine system.

Hormones are produced not only by glands but also by certain organs, such as the heart, liver, and adipose tissue. Our bodies undergo an endless cycle of chemical transformations, and the harmony of these processes largely determines not only the condition of organs and systems but also how a person looks and even behaves.

Unfortunately, hormonal balance is a fragile state that can easily be influenced by many circumstances. For example, a serious disruption of hormonal balance can occur after a viral infection or the intake of certain synthetic drugs.

Hormonal balance is also influenced by stress (especially prolonged stress), age, heredity, excessive or insufficient weight, unhealthy habits, poor sleep, digestive system disorders, and many other malfunctions in the body's functioning.

A calm state of mind and physical equilibrium, good sleep and appetite, absence of emotional outbursts, and even high intellectual abilities - all of these indicate that the natural hormonal balance in the body is consistently maintained, and nothing significantly disrupts the normal functioning of its systems.

Causes of hormonal disorders in women

A hormonal imbalance in women commonly occurs during periods of natural transformations in the body, such as puberty or the decline of reproductive function. In both cases, maintaining a hormonal balance between estrogen and progesterone can be challenging. Consequently, girls and women often experience problems associated with a hormonal imbalance, which can sometimes be addressed with hormonal medications or natural phytochemicals (Femimens).

While a hormonal imbalance within the first two years after the onset of menstruation and before menopause can be considered a variant of normality, hormonal disturbances during other stages of a woman's life can lead to serious health disorders. For instance, a hormonal imbalance commonly causes infertility.

If ovulation does not occur due to low estrogen production or more profound hormonal imbalance, either progesterone is not produced at all or is produced in very small quantities. However, this hormone plays an extremely important role in the female body as it facilitates the normal fertilization of the egg and its implantation in the uterus.

Many problems related to women's health that stem from hormonal imbalances, such as painful and irregular menstruation, breast lumps, and PMS symptoms, are specifically linked to the imbalance between estrogen and progesterone.

A hormonal imbalance in women can be affected by various factors. These include prolonged nutrient deficiencies caused by unbalanced diets or excess weight, uncontrolled emotional reactions or chronic stress, inconsistent use of hormonal medications, or prolonged hormone treatment without proper justification.

A hormonal imbalance is easy to acquire, but it is hard to overcome. Nevertheless, any hormonal imbalance requires correction (Femimens).

Additionally, a hormone deficiency can lead to the following symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • mood swings;
  • skin and hair problems;
  • an overall deterioration of a person's appearance.

How to balance hormonal levels

To maintain hormonal balance, it is necessary to include immune-boosting foods in your diet. First and foremost, this includes fish, which is beneficial due to its content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and selenium.

Grains, which contain B vitamins and consumed as part of the diet, help to maintain a hormonal balance.

The consumption of grains stimulates metabolic processes in the body and ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system (both central and peripheral), stabilizes the balance of thyroid hormones and the reproductive system.

A hormonal balance is determined by sufficient consumption of vegetables such as beets, cabbage, and spinach.

For a long time, especially in Eastern medicine, it has been recommended to add ginger to various dishes, as it is responsible for the overall well-being of the body. The list of beneficial foods is completed by berries and oysters, which should also be included into normalize hormone production.
